When you consider the true costs of dirt on either the end product or the parts used to make the end product, the removal of that dirt is free. It costs much less to remove the dirt than to leave it on and suffer the consequences. The true costs of leaving dirt on include the following;
Rework – often by skilled personnel, and using additional materials;
Scrapping of product and material – often of material whose only defect is dirt;
Repeated service – when failure due to dirt requires replacement parts or service both time and material is wasted;
Inspection – “inspecting out” dirt is rarely cheap !
Testing – where the consequences of dirt requires intense testing of parts prior to dispatch;
Delay and failure to meet schedules – where dirt requires rework it is often the case that production schedules fall behind with consequent costs of failure to meet orders and customer timetables;
Warranty costs – the direct costs of replacement or repair plus the often significant damage to reputation.
Over the 15 plus years we have been cleaning industrial parts the most commonly cited reasons (with statistics often quoted) for getting us in to either do the cleaning or to supply the cleaning equipment and process, have been as follows;
Time taken in house to do the cleaning, often by skilled personnel, often done badly, and usually very unpopular with staff ! The direct cost of this Labour and the opportunity cost of lost production was calculated at around 7.6% of total production time by an electronics company, a truly staggering amount.
Scrap from wasted product – one printing company cited scrap paper and ink from dirty production parts was running at 1% of total material cost. in this case 1% of many millions of pounds. Another company making electronic sensors estimated product failure costs attributable to dirt were running at 2% on items worth many thousands of pounds each.
Production downtime and process failure – when a line or process has to be stopped because of dirt, the outcome ranges from costly inconvenience to near total disaster. One instance of the latter is when a power station brought dirty filters that had resulted in the power generating turbines stopping completely. Now matters are rarely as extreme as this, but stopped production lines not only occupy expensive labour to put right but result in either lost production or delayed production. The costs of both can be very high.
Delays – Time is money and, whilst similar to the above, the cost of delays to production or despatch are often overlooked but considerable. In an increasingly “just in time” world if a product is not available when needed the consequences are potentially serious. Lost sales, reputational damage, poor on-line ratings and disrupted process flows are the costs associated with delays and over time can destroy businesses. Many businesses, particularly B2C, have found delay getting product to market near fatal. One automotive parts customer calculated lost sales because customers were sourcing parts from competitors when they experienced delays from themselves as up to 3% of sales. The majority of delays were caused by product rejection, a principal cause of which was dirty product.
Health, Safety & Environmental – Dirt itself can be a hazard to either the product or personnel. This is most noticeable in areas such as food, pharmaceutical and medical, where dirt can threaten lives. However even when not taken to this extent, a product contaminated with dirt is a diminished, less valuable product. If a competitor is offering a similar product without this, they will appear superior.
To book a Free Trial Clean or to discuss your ultrasonic cleaning requirements with one of our expert staff. Call us today on 01924 495 975 or email hello@sonicsolutionsltd.com
For us to give you the most accurate quote possible for our ultrasonic cleaning service, we need as much information about your items as you can give. This checklist will help you put together all the necessary information that we would need which allows us to provide you with the most accurate quote possible.
What is it / What is its use?
Knowing what the item is and what it is used for is a great place to start. We may not know exactly what it is, but allowing us to build a picture in our mind of what it goes through helps us to know what we are dealing with.
What is the contaminant?
What you are looking to remove is one of the most important things we need to know. This dictates what ultrasonic cleaning chemicals we use and helps us to work out how long an item will take. Removing thick scale buildup from pipework takes a lot longer to remove than a thin layer of cutting oils from freshly manufactured parts. These two examples also require vastly different chemistry which would affect the price.
How big is the item(s)?
Letting us know the dimensions of your item is essential. We have large ultrasonic baths that can handle most items that our customers send. But every now and then we get an enquiry for an item too large for us to handle. Knowing the size also gives us a rough idea of how long an item will take which will allow us to provide you with an accurate quote.
How heavy?
Additionally to size, we need to know roughly how much your item weighs. It makes the job longer if we are having to use our crane or forklift to get your items into our tanks so knowing if your item is liftable will help us with your quote.
What is it made from?
What your item is composed of effects what solution we can use. Light metals such as aluminium react with our caustic based chemicals so we would need to use an aluminium safe product. Knowing the makeup of your item will allow us to build a picture of what the job will involve.
How fragile is your item(s)?
Although we take the utmost care with all our customers’ items, it is good to know how fragile the item is. It takes longer for us to clean thin, highly polished aluminium parts that we have to individually handle as to not scratch or bend compared to a lump of iron that could take the force of a car hitting it.
What quantities are we dealing with?
We charge a setup fee per tank to cover our setup costs and book the machine and staff. This remains the same whether you send ten parts or a thousand. Letting us know the quantities allows us to know which tank we would need and what setup cost to charge.
Is the work a one off or ongoing?
For ongoing contracts we can be more flexible with our price so it is helpful for us to know if the job will be a one off or part of an ongoing requirement.
A picture paints a thousand words. However good you are at describing something, there is always a chance of something being miscommunicated. Detailed photographs are immensely helpful in letting us know what we are dealing with.
All these small details go a long way for us to be able to provide you with an accurate quote. Being as thorough as possible with your details can save a lot of back and forth and allow us to gain a complete picture of your requirements.
Even with all of this information, it is still impossible in some situations to know how much work is going to be involved in a clean. This is why we offer a trial clean where we will clean a small sample batch of your items free of charge*. This allows us to lock down our process and decide what chemistry and methodology we would use. It also gives us a chance to prove our service to you so you know the end results before committing to any capital expenditure. * Terms & Conditions Apply.
To book a Free Trial Clean or to discuss your ultrasonic cleaning requirements with one of our expert staff. Call us today on 01924 495 975 or email hello@sonicsolutionsltd.com
For Sonic Solutions 2019 has been a year of change. With the significant growth of our business in the oil and gas, and power generation sectors, this has allowed us to inject money back into the business and invest in our customer experience.
In January an existing customer of ours from the oil and gas industry called us and stated that they would be increasing the amount of parts sent to us by almost 300%. The customer was already one of our best and so the news was very welcome indeed.
Off the back of this news, we knew the current office and shop floor would not be sufficient for the volumes mentioned, so after weeks and weeks of searching for the perfect location to plant the flag for the new and improved Sonic HQ… we moved next door. The space was almost 3 times as big as our current unit and was absolutely perfect for what we needed. We commissioned the building of our brand new office space and work began on moving our equipment and files all the way next door.
We have the work, we have the space to do it, now we need the staff to execute it. It was time to get some fresh, young talent in, to shake up the place, I present to you Ben Peacock, technically a manager… sorry, Technical Manager. Expanding a small business always forces you to assess how you do things and start defining processes and systems. We already had our quality procedures under ISO9001:2015 but when training and teaching new staff you really have to go back to basics and re-discover so much about the business and how it operates. Things that need addressing become very clear, very quickly when trying to allow someone brand new to understand them. For months we made major improvements every single day and continue to do so regularly.
Another big deal this year for us a Sonic Solutions was the decision to put some real effort into our online image and marketing. We met some youngish, eager and enthusiastic marketeers from a networking event that we frequently attend and after a short discussion we realised that we had a lot in common with regards to types of industry we operate in.
Before we knew it we had shaken hands on a 12-month contract to drastically change the business (I told you they were good) both online and in our own minds. It started with a simple book, called “They ask, you answer”, by Marcus Sheridan. This laid the foundation for how we wanted to be perceived online to our customers and to anybody interested in working with us. It’s simple but the basics are, provide everyone with all the knowledge they could possibly want about your industry so they will find you and know and trust you are the experts you have always been.
The website was one of the biggest outward changes to the business. Weeks of content writing, meetings, photoshoots and lots of head scratching, our expert marketeers Danny and James pulled us out of the stone age and on a direct course for the future. Not only are we proud of our online presence but the data shows how effective it has been, our enquiries quadrupled and each new customer we serviced wondered where we had been all this time.
The world is finally noticing that we exist and it’s a good feeling, thanks to a simple book and our friends at Digital Group Media.
2019 has truly been the year of knowledge acquisition for us all at Sonic, we have been to 10 business networking events all over the country and 3 industrial exhibitions both in the UK and across Europe. We have learnt a lot of new information that has been absorbed and given to our customers so they can make better, more informed decisions about their cleaning operation.
The new kid on the block Ben has overfilled tanks and flooded the unit around 6 times since his start here in early March and shows no sign of stopping. If anything he’s consistent.
On a trip down to Birmingham, our wise and knowledgable MD booked us into some accommodation that can only be described as no man’s land. It was as rough as it can get, upstairs in a 50-year-old Irish pub on an industrial estate that was dominated by 3 biblical sized scrap heaps and auto breakers. There was literally a tank outside, from ww2, for no particular reason, just rotting at the side of the road in the grass. Road works outside the front door and clientele in the pub that looked like they were sat there since the early 90s. The rooms… OMG the rooms, decorated in sadness and despair, the bedding were stained Disney princess sheets, the carpets looked like they had more live bacteria on them than in my guts. Anyway, all we could do was laugh and survive and we managed to do both.
The Lego job: We had an enquiry from a new customer that needed help cleaning 1 MILLION pieces of Lego. We said yes without really considering what 1 million blocks of lego actually represents! It sounded easy enough, just some lego, stick in the tank, take it out, dry it off and send it back. How wrong we were… two days into a four day job we were only halfway through the first 2m tall pallet of seven. There was Lego in every corner of our unit some clean, some dry, some waiting to clean, some waiting to pack, it was hell. We all sat down and had to come up with a better solution to get this job through, and we did but for two days we were up against the wall surrounded on all sides by the enemy. It’s now our reference point for any high volume cleaning job we undertake and I’m pleased to say that all subsequent high volume jobs have been child’s play in comparison!
Have you found that dirt costs you time, money, quality and even sales? Did you know that dirt costs up to 10% of total manufacturing costs when the costs of disposal and loss of productivity are included? Sonic solutions, your cleaning experts recently flew out to the annual Parts2Clean exhibition in Stuttgart. Our aim was to work with and learn from industry leaders in various fields.
We pride ourselves on providing you with the most cost-effective, time-efficient and first-class cleaning service. Our dedicated team are pushing the boundaries with what is possible, improving and innovating the way we service and clean your goods. Following the trip, Andrew Taylor has summarised 5 key takeaways to help you decide what is best for your business
Dry-ice blasting Often referred to as the coolest kid in town! Dry ice is the frozen solid form of carbon dioxide. In pellet form it is accelerated in a pressurized air stream and blasted at the surface in order to clean it. It is like other media blasting such as sand, soda and plastic bead blasting, but it leaves no residue since the frozen CO2 simply evaporates.The efficiency and effectiveness of this procedure depends on the thermal conductivity of the substrate and contaminant. The main benefits of this method include:Reduces downtime, non-abrasive, environmentally responsible, can be used in situ, increase in efficiency and no secondary waste.This is a solution for every application in industries such as the automotive, general equipment cleaning, aerospace and aviation, power generation and Oil & Cas. However, it can only be used on dry particulate contaminants.
Robotics in jet washing This method of cleaning is pioneering change across many fronts. Robotics serve a whole host of industries such as the Oil & Gas, aerospace, automotive and power generation. Robotics allows for a fully inclusive, automated handling system. Previously, the main problem with jet washing was being able to get the jet on the precise surfaces and areas that need cleaning, particularly when different parts needed cleaning. This innovative technology is seriously changing the game. Platinum reels online casinos are a prime example of how innovative technology is seriously changing the game of gambling as well. With the rise of online gambling, players can now enjoy the excitement and thrill of casino games from the comfort of their own homes. Robotics allow for precision engineering parts to be cleaned scrupulously and effectively, with the jet being repositioned to accommodate the differing sizes and shapes of items being cleaned. The main benefits of this method include:Ensures a high quality, precision engineering process, the turnaround time is very fast, very little manual intervention and very effective.However the robotics mean that it is currently a very costly cleaning method.
Ionic cleaning This cleaning method uses positively and negatively charged ions/cations to attract dry contaminant from the surface of smaller items. The airborne particles are then extracted from the cleaning chamber. This method is fantastic if you need to clean small, non-metallic parts. This cleaning method serves a multitude of industries such as the medical industry. Examples of where this can be used are rubber seals and plastic ball bearings.The main advantages of this method are:VERY effective method of removing small, dry particulates and there is no secondary waste. This is a sustainable form of cleaning.
Chemical cleaning There have been major improvements in solvent-based chemicals. Traditional chlorinated solvents are now almost a thing of the past. Developments include solvents which degrade hydrocarbons to harmless gas and water. This works especially well when trying to remove cutting oils. There have also been massive improvements in the consumption of hydrocarbons with effective solvent usages less than 5% of the content of the waste being removed! The main benefits of this method include:Great cleaning results with little secondary drying required, very low effective consumption of the base solvent with improved recyclability and solvent consumption as low as 5% of the total contaminant being removed – a much more sustainable and environmentally friendly method than traditional solvent cleaning processes.
Ultrasonic cleaning There has been a major shift in recent years with more and more specialisation within ultrasonic cleaning coming through. There are now fewer general purpose ultrasonic manufacturers. This is being accompanied by more modular multi-stage processes allowing some standardisation of individual elements but a customised overall process of various stages. This is being accompanied by increased mapping of objective system parameters like temperature, conductivity, pH and particulate which is pushing the boundaries and raising standards across the board. Sonic Solutions are developing apace through our investment in;
State of the art, surface measuring equipment
Ultrasonic meters allowing us to verify the capability and performance of our machines;
Training our teams in line with adherence of cleaning to higher specs. Our staff receive a wealth of training to ensure your parts are cleaned to your high standards.
For you, this means we are continuously redefining and enhancing our cleaning processes and systems. Ensuring higher quality control and making sure your parts are returned to you cleaned to the highest standard possible.
For a deeper insight into how we can help you discuss the options and the suitable course of action. Contact the Sonic solutions team here: 01924495975 or at hello@sonicsolutionsltd.com
One of the most common applications of ultrasonics is to remove high levels of grease on machine parts during production or manufacturing Cleaning grease without the aid of ultrasonics usually requires high levels of labour, strong chemicals and likely large amounts of water. Such parts are also very hard to handle whilst ultrasonic cleaning allows a more hands off approach. Heavy build ups of the grease contaminant can also hide other issues within the industrial parts so having them cleaned is also vital for quality control. We have worked on every type and thickness of grease from industries such as auto, food, gas & oil, and pharmaceutical. Processes vary from simple 1 tank baths to multiple cleaning baths with pre washes and demineralised water rinses. As described above the level of cleanliness required by the NEXT process defines the cleaning method employed. Whenever we get a new enquiry we construct a method statement based upon a trial clean.
Most machined parts are left with oil and swarf residue after manufacture. This residue usually needs removing since subsequent coatings, assembly or use requires the absence of dirts and oils. Ultrasonics with its ability to clean recesses, threads and apertures is perfect for removing these contaminants quickly, safely and effectively leaving the part ready for the next process.
Welcome to the Sonic Solutions Knowledge Center. This is the Go-To resource for Industrial Ultrasonic & Parts Cleaning and is updated regularly. If we haven’t already written about a particular aspect of Industrial Ultrasonic Cleaning, Pyrolysis, Thermal Stripping, Media Blasting or Jet Washing that you’re interested in, then please submit your enquiry here and one of our Industrial Cleaning Experts will take a look.
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Submit your details and one our Ultrasonic Cleaning Experts will get in touch to discuss your requirements. Terms & Conditions apply
Click onPress the button to open our enquiry form and we’ll come back to you ASAP (usually within the hour) with answers, options, prices and services or call us today on 01924 495 975
We approached Sonic Solutions after our parts manufacturers let us down and wasted precious time by supplying oily parts. Not only were they friendly, helpful and happy to rush our parts through - the quality was unbelievable! They arrived back at our factory just in time to not hold up production and we couldn't recommend them highly enough.
Martin Frings
Our company AssetCool found the entire team at Sonic Solutions to be responsive and incredibly supportive of a new project. Their technical knowledge is superb, and they delivered exactly what they promised. We're very happy to recommend them to anyone with ultrasonic cleaning needs, and look forward to working with them again in the future.
Tonia Parris
I reached out with a problem to various companies prior to talking with Sonic Solutions, most were unhelpful. These guys insisted on the first trial being for free! The job was excellent and the turn around time very impressive. We are now setting up a monthly cleaning regime with them. A joy to deal with.
Andy Sim
The 2021 Ultimate Guide to Industrial Ultrasonic Cleaning
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