01924 495 975

FREE Trials – Why and What we offer !

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01924 495 975     hello@sonicsolutionsltd.com     Open Contact Form

FREE Trials – Why and What we offer !

Why we offer them

  1.  So you the potential customer can see with your own eyes the cleaning standards we achieve and whether it meets your requirements
  2.  So we define the cleaning process required such that
    1.  It is repeatable
    2.  We know how to price it
  3.  Whether it is the cleaning service, the cleaning chemical, or the cleaning equipment we are looking at, there is now a firm foundation and certainty about what we need to offer and what you can expect.

What we offer

  1. For items we have not cleaned before we will clean free of charge a representative sample, or samples, of the item to be cleaned. You will ship it to us and we will ship it back. Sometimes we will take a few samples to enable us to conduct extensive trials. This will be discussed and agreed at the outset.
  2. We will then conduct trial cleans of the samples to establish the full cleaning process required, including pre-treat, chemical wash, rinses, drying, inspection and packaging for dispatch.
  3. With our experience, we usually establish the full cleaning process quite quickly, but optimising it may take some more time. Timeframes of up to a week are normal, although some may take longer.

Like ingredients in a cake, the various steps in the cleaning process are all necessary to guarantee the desired outcome consistently. frequently we see the right chemicals and the right equipment being used but not resulting in the right outcome consistently. Missing, or badly executed steps, and untrained personnel are the usual reasons for this.


Trials guarantee the desired outcome for both of us, which is why we offer them. We regard their cost as an investment in our future relationship, well worth the price. And for you it is a risk-free guarantee of the outcome, a certain solution to your dirt problem.

To understand more about ultraosnic cleaning machines and how they might benefit you and your application please call or email one of our helpful cleanign experts today on 01924 938052 or hello@sonicsolutionsltd.com

Contact us

Click onPress the button to open our enquiry form and we’ll come back to you ASAP (usually within the hour) with answers, options, prices and services or call us today on 01924 495 975

Our Clients

What Our Customers Say About us


We approached Sonic Solutions after our parts manufacturers let us down and wasted precious time by supplying oily parts. Not only were they friendly, helpful and happy to rush our parts through - the quality was unbelievable! They arrived back at our factory just in time to not hold up production and we couldn't recommend them highly enough.

Martin Frings


Our company AssetCool found the entire team at Sonic Solutions to be responsive and incredibly supportive of a new project. Their technical knowledge is superb, and they delivered exactly what they promised. We're very happy to recommend them to anyone with ultrasonic cleaning needs, and look forward to working with them again in the future.

Tonia Parris


I reached out with a problem to various companies prior to talking with Sonic Solutions, most were unhelpful. These guys insisted on the first trial being for free! The job was excellent and the turn around time very impressive. We are now setting up a monthly cleaning regime with them. A joy to deal with.

Andy Sim


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Asking These Questions Saved One Customer over £70,000 a Year, Seriously!

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