When we receive an enquiry for cleaning parts, a question we get asked a lot is “How clean will it be when we get it back?”
The simple answer to this is: “How clean does it need to be?”
With ultrasonic cleaning, there is cleaning action right down to the molecular level, meaning even the tiniest particles can be removed from an item. How clean the item needs to be is dictated by the next process the item will go into. For example, We have cleaned sensors that will go into oilfields for one of our customers. For the next process, the sensors need to be completely free of hydrocarbons or they may cause an explosion in the oil well. We therefore devised a multi-stage cleaning process which we know will leave the items completely free of these hydrocarbons.
A multi-stage cleaning process is the best way to ensure an item is as clean as it needs to be for the next process. If an item doesn’t need to be clean to the molecular level, then a two-stage process will usually suffice. This is usually an ultrasonic wash followed by a mains water rinse. For deeper cleaning, we usually add a demineralised water ultrasonic rinse at the end. If the cleaning specification runs even deeper than that, we can add different stages of ultrasonic cleaning to the process. This could be another clean in the same chemical but in a different, clean bath. Sometimes we may use a different chemical if there is more than one contaminant.
To understand more about ultrasonic cleaning and how it might benefit you and your application please call or email one of our helpful cleaning experts today on 01924 938052 or hello@sonicsolutionsltd.com